How Technology is Transforming Education in Schools

Education has become a key area for technology and a valuable commodity for resellers. No longer are classrooms dictated by the location and use of blackboards, chalk, and textbooks. With this rapid evolution, schools are looking for new ways to advance their education practises and how they are delivered to young people.

It has been reported that schools are spending £900 million on education technology every year, which is big news for resellers. And the numbers are expected to rise with an estimated global market increase to a value of £129 billion by 2020.

Due to this explosion of interest in technology for education, Midwich have invested in and created an interactive Education Portal to be used by resellers as a new sales tool. You are invited to share the Portal with decision makers and explore the capabilities of technology in education.

It’s clear that new technology advancements can change the world of education and have a positive impact on developing the minds of future generations. And it’s these powerful learning tools, the transformational technology, and market opportunities that are now available at a compulsory education level.


Technology Driving Change in Receptions

The shop window for schools and a key location to promote the technological advancements available at a school is the reception area. It’s the first stop for everyone in and connected to the school, including parents choosing a new school for their children. The school reception is a hub of communications throughout the premises. The Education Portal highlights key features and technology available to promote future thinking and efficient processes in a reception area.

One such technology is digital signage, and this is just one of the many product opportunities featured in the portal’s school reception area. Our teams, including Senior Technical Specialist, Nicholas Bezuidenhout, have seen an increase in the demand from schools for a cost effective, scalable and easy to manage digital signage solution.

“There is a consistent trend of schools and higher education organizations wanting to move away from PC based signage solutions. They are now looking for a networked media player solution that offers greater performance stability and the ability to remotely manage and schedule content. Given BrightSign tech has the ability to cover all of these requirements, it has become the go to choice for digital signage in the education space. Whether it’s a single reception area digital signage display or an entire campus wide signage solution, BrightSign provides an extremely reliable and flexible choice.”

Media Players, such as the BrightSign LS423 that’s promoted in the Education Portal, allow schools to deliver engaging digital signage with ease and at a reasonable cost. Schools can use them to showcase dynamic school news, inspirational student stories and videos in full HD.

View this and other suitable technologies for school reception areas in the portal.

Technology Transforming Education - Reception


The Classroom Technology Revolution

Most of the information taught to students is now available online, forcing the role of teachers to change. Instead of using lessons to spoon-feed information to students, technology can help utilise that time more efficiently to advance problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.

Technology can replace old models of standardised learning to create more personalised and self-directed experiences for students. Especially with so many technologies available to use in the classroom, including Interactive Flat Panel Displays, tablets, laptops, and smartphones, all seamlessly connected by Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

This is the perfect move to interest students, as they are already used to handling the latest technology in their personal lives. Young people are exceptionally literate with new digital technology, making them more independent in the classroom, so advancements in technology have become an expected requirement, rather than an added advantage. With multi-device synchronisation and software to support collaboration, there’s a growing opportunity for virtual conversations, both within and beyond the classroom.

One clear trend we have spotted here at Midwich is the phenomenal demand for interactive large format displays. This is backed up by a recent market research report, “Interactive Display Market – Global Forecast to 2022”, shared by Martin Cheung, which states that the market is expected to grow from $9.90 Billion to $26.91 Billion.

View this and other suitable technologies for school classrooms in the portal.

Technology Transforming Education Classroom 1 Technology Transforming Education Classroom 2


Technological Advancements in School Halls

A sports hall has so many different uses for a school. Other than using it as a gym, it is often the perfect location for assemblies, school productions, community events, and to hold exams. But a few technology features can help enhance this space, from something as simple as a microphone, to installing a high brightness laser projector and screen. Ensuring that any presenter can be clearly seen and heard from wherever the audience is seated.

View these and other suitable technologies for school halls in the portal.

Technology Transforming Education Sports Hall


Education Technology for Today

Technologies that can enhance a school environment, although extremely valuable, can initially be a costly investment. A way of managing these costs can be achieved with our various leasing services. Our Leasing Specialist, Carl Perkins, has seen a significant uplift in leasing interest from schools and higher education institutions.

“Leasing is proving to be one of the most useful tools for schools looking to maximise their budgets in 2018. It is allowing them access to the technology that they require, without the large upfront capital outlay.”

After looking through the Education Portal, if you know a school that could benefit from Dedicated Leasing, they can speak directly with Carl Perkins, who will guide them through their leasing options.

Now it’s your chance to explore the full Education Portal for yourself and experience everything that it has to offer. Take a moment to look at each product and discover how they can benefit the day to day running of a school environment for the teachers and pupils.

Technology Transforming Education Portal


P.S. Due to the popularity of our Compulsory Education Portal, we have now added a Higher Education Portal. Now you get two portals in one, so discover more technology opportunities for schools, colleges, and universities.