AV Magazine Stadiums Supplement

L ike the technology itself, the prospects for outdoor LED have never been brighter, particularly in sport. “Football clubs were early adopters of LED for replay screens,” says Damon Crowhurst, head of display at Samsung. “But the technology has moved on VLJQLÀFDQWO\ LQ EULJKWQHVV LPDJH TXDOLW\ and affordability, and there’s great potential for upgrading to bigger screens – especially with new regulations in IRRWEDOO DQG UXJE\ UHTXLULQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ replay screens for refereeing decisions. ,PDJH TXDOLW\ LV LPSURYLQJ WRR ZLWK W\SLFDO pixel pitch in outdoor moving to 10mm, FRPSDUHG ZLWK PP LQ WKH SDVW µ Ribbon displays around the stands are increasingly popular, not just in football but at cricket grounds. “In the last six months we’ve won contracts at Lancashire, Northants and Ageas Bowl in Southampton – typically using our entry level XAJ product for scoreboard screens and our Premier Prismview XAF product for ribbon displays and sight screens,” says Crowhurst. 3LWFK VLGH SHULPHWHU GLVSOD\V RIIHU further opportunity for outdoor LED. “Cricket grounds are looking to make perimeter displays a permanent feature, rather than renting them in on match GD\V µ VD\V &URZKXUVW ´,Q 4 6DPVXQJ LV The great LEDoutdoors ODXQFKLQJ LWV 8()$ FHUWLÀHG SHULPHWHU /(' which will be key to rounding out our football stadium offering.” Having partnered with PSCo in indoor LED since entering the market three years ago, Samsung has now selected the distributor as its exclusive partner for all LED products, including outdoor. “PSCo has developed great breadth and depth of expertise in LED, and has GHPRQVWUDWHG JUHDW FRQÀGHQFH VNLOOV DQG knowledge of all things LED. Its ability to service and support our customers at the highest level is key,” says Crowhurst. Stuart Holmes, director of PSCo, is HTXDOO\ HQWKXVLDVWLF DERXW WKH GHDO “Whereas many LED vendors come from a lighting background and just focus on brightness, Samsung is a true display company and is really committed to SURYLGLQJ H[FHOOHQW DOO URXQG YLVXDO performance. It’s widely regarded as KDYLQJ WKH KLJKHVW TXDOLW\ DQG LWV reliability is excellent.” :LWK 6DPVXQJ·V KLJK HQG ;3( DQG ;36 SURGXFW OLQHV EX\HUV FDQ EH FRQÀGHQW RI PDLQWDLQLQJ SHU FHQW LPDJH TXDOLW\ over seven or even 10 years. This is very important in a market where some clubs KDYH KDG WKHLU ÀQJHUV EXUQHG EX\LQJ inferior product in the past. Samsung also has the XAJ and XAF range for applications WKDW GR QRW UHTXLUH WRS RI WKH UDQJH YLGHR performance or longevity, such as scoreboards that predominantly display text. In what is a relatively new market to many integrators, Samsung’s strong UK SUHVHQFH DQG 8. EDVHG VXSSRUW DUH DQ additional asset. Samsung’s service team provides everything from mechanical design resource through to implementation services through its Blue Glove Service offering. “And it’s a great company from a trade perspective, working hard to generate opportunity for the channel and to educate resellers about the product range and opportunities,” adds Holmes. 36&R·V SHGLJUHH LQ /(' LV HTXDOO\ strong, having pioneered the distribution model for LED in the UK. “We’re the only UK distributor to actually stock LED,” says Holmes. “Where else can you see demonstrations of all the products VLGH E\ VLGH" “Our experienced team of sales specialists can ensure the right product is VSHFLÀHG IRU HDFK HQYLURQPHQW :H KDYH technical teams who can do site surveys and help integrators deliver systems, and we can help integrators to offer whatever kind of warranty their clients want.” Being part of the Midwich group has given PSCo the chance to spread its wings. “It enables us to offer excellent commercial terms, and manufacturers look favourably on Midwich as an exciting, growing business that can deliver for them,” says Holmes. “We’d never have got the exclusive deal with Samsung before the merger with Midwich.” M&T Bank Stadium – Baltimore Ravens Damon Crowhurst, head of display, Samsung Stuart Holmes, director, PSCo 4 PSCo 4 Tel: 0118 372 3300 4 Email: enquiries@psco.co.uk 4 Web: www.psco.co.uk CONTACTS 18 | AV STADIUMS SPECIAL | 0$< OUTDOOR LED AVMAGAZINE STADIUMS SPECIAL PAULBRAY ÀQGV PSCo’s expertiseandSamsung’s quality creates anexclusiveoutdoor partnership In association with