Midwich | Preparing For GDPR Compliance

Is your security camera system secure? With security attacks on the network infrastructure increasing, installers and users need to be aware of any potential weakness in their security. For example, default passwords for CCTV open the company’s network to malware threats. Within GDPR, there is a specific requirement for the data ‘owner’ to protect their systems against intrusion and hacking. For organisations using CCTV, the ‘owner’ is responsible for ensuring the data is properly secured. Panasonic has developed a series of secure technologies for the protection of data in its video surveillance solutions. Their Secure Communication feature, now available on all new Panasonic 5, 6 and True 4K series cameras, protects against spoofing (false data), video tampering and altering (changing images), and snooping (stealing passwords) by protecting IP surveillance communications. Panasonic’s Secure Communication is a PC-level security feature for IP cameras including several data protection elements, such as data encryption, IP communication encryption and verification. All ensuring the integrity of video evidence and overall data integrity of Panasonic IP video streams. People Masking Technology As part of the mandatory Impact of Privacy Assessment, you must ensure that the privacy of employees and ‘vulnerable data subjects’, including customers, are protected. With Panasonic’s People Todiscuss your specific requirements, call your accountmanager today. Masking Technology, businesses can mitigate the risk of unlawful use of personal data captured via CCTV footage by masking individuals, customers and sensitive data, while ensuring maximum security and legal compliance. How does it work? Panasonic’s people masking technology uses a MOR (Moving Object Removal) function to mask moving objects and to conceal static areas that you feel should remain confidential. The MOR function can also be removed accordingly to review an incident, and masked areas can be changed at your leisure to ensure an adaptable and easy to use system. People Masking also allows for the creation of different user roles, for example normal users and administrators, where an administrator will be able to see unmasked images. This technology is suitable for use in a variety of environments such as retail, logistics, banking, and many more. Installation is possible in both new and pre-existing security systems to ensure you are able to operate a flexible and compliant system. Contact our experts today | 27